Family Law

March 19, 2024

Is Child Support Taxable in SC? – 3 Child Support Tax FAQs

In divorce cases falling under the broad “family law” umbrella, courts consistently prioritize the child’s well-being in their rulings. Therefore, as part of the divorce settlement, the family law court often includes a child support order. With money flowing into or out of the parents’ bank accounts, many often inquire about taxation.  This article addresses the three most common questions about child support taxation. Have you ever wondered about any of these questions as well?
February 22, 2024

5 Types Of Cases Handled In Family Law Court

Family law courts handle some of the most emotional and complex legal matters. Across the spectrum of family law cases, judges oversee life-altering decisions regarding marriage, parenthood, support obligations, and protecting vulnerable parties. This article explores five common types of cases handled in family law courts and provides an overview of the legal processes involved with each matter.