
July 17, 2024

Agent Orange Compensation: A Guide for Veterans and Their Families

Approximately three million U.S. service members were potentially exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971. Among these three million service members, many veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange may have passed its effects to their families over generations. These sheer numbers the widespread impact of Agent Orange exposure on American lives, spanning both past and present generations. Recognizing the scale and severity of this issue, the PACT Act took effect in August 2022 and expanded the eligibility criteria for receiving disability benefits due to Agent Orange exposure. With that in mind, let’s explore what is the average compensation for Agent Orange to veterans as well as Agent Orange benefits for widows and other dependents. How is the Disability Compensation Amount Determined? The VA determines compensation for Agent Orange exposure based on several key factors: VA disability rating (between 1-100%) The severity of the condition Marital status […]
June 7, 2024

Understanding Disabled Veteran Leave: Eligibility & Benefits

Are you a VBA-qualified disabled veteran with a veteran disability rating of 30% or higher? If so, it’s crucial to understand your rights and the benefits available to you. One such benefit is the Disabled Veteran Leave, which can provide much-needed support during recovery. If you have never heard about this option, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will help you navigate these benefits and more. What is Disabled Veteran Leave? Disabled Veteran Leave provides up to 104 hours of paid leave for federal employees with a service-connected disability rating of 30% or higher. * Note that the Disabled Veteran Leave is a separate benefit from the normal sick leave and doesn’t come in exchange for the accrual of sick time. Disabled Veteran Leave Eligibility Eligibility Criteria — To Whom Does the Disabled Veteran Leave apply? Your effective hiring date is on or after November 5, 2016 You […]
May 17, 2024

Social Security Disability Rules after Age 60 — How They Work?

When individuals reach the age of 60, especially those facing health issues or disabilities impacting their ability to work, opt for early retirement. The idea of stepping back from decades of employment, embarking on long-awaited adventures, and spending quality time with loved ones holds much more appeal than continuing in a diminished capacity at work. However, from the standpoint of benefits, opting for early retirement may not be the most advantageous approach. While the allure of early retirement is understandable, it’s advisable to be aware of the Social Security disability rules after age 60.   Get the Most of Your Social Security Benefits by Staying Employed Early retirement at 62 does sound tempting. Nevertheless, avoiding early retirement is recommended to receive the highest benefit possible. Choosing this option automatically reduces the Social Security benefits you could get based on the number of months before your full retirement age. Early retirement […]
April 9, 2024

Injured at Work? — Know Your Rights and Benefits in SC

Every year, thousands of South Carolinians face the unexpected challenge of a workplace injury. From the bustling floors of manufacturing plants to the quiet desks of office spaces, no one is immune to the risk. In 2022 alone, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a significant uptick in non-fatal workplace injuries, underscoring a concerning trend across all sectors. This rise in incidents highlights the critical importance of understanding your rights and the benefits available under South Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation Act. In recognition of World Health Day and echoing this year’s theme, “My Health, My Right,” we delve into the essential knowledge every worker in SC should have if they find themselves injured at work. Whether it’s a slip on a wet floor, a strain from heavy lifting, or the psychological toll of work-related stress, knowing what steps to take can make all the difference in securing your health, rights, and […]
March 19, 2024

Is Child Support Taxable in SC? – 3 Child Support Tax FAQs

In divorce cases falling under the broad “family law” umbrella, courts consistently prioritize the child’s well-being in their rulings. Therefore, as part of the divorce settlement, the family law court often includes a child support order. With money flowing into or out of the parents’ bank accounts, many often inquire about taxation.  This article addresses the three most common questions about child support taxation. Have you ever wondered about any of these questions as well?
February 22, 2024

Report Your Vaccine Injury in the National VAERS Database

Overall, vaccines benefit human society. They help eradicate diseases, curb the spread of infectious illnesses, and prevent death. Most vaccine administrations don’t trigger significant complications, allowing individuals and society to function smoothly. And although rare, adverse reactions do occur, sparking debates and opposition regarding vaccine safety. Those voices don’t go unheard. The government provides various platforms for the public to report post-vaccination health issues, contributing to ongoing analyses and investigations to refine vaccines. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is one such vaccine safety monitoring system.  In this post, we explain what vaccine injuries and the VAERS are, and what your next steps should be. 
February 22, 2024

5 Types Of Cases Handled In Family Law Court

Family law courts handle some of the most emotional and complex legal matters. Across the spectrum of family law cases, judges oversee life-altering decisions regarding marriage, parenthood, support obligations, and protecting vulnerable parties. This article explores five common types of cases handled in family law courts and provides an overview of the legal processes involved with each matter.
March 8, 2023

Safety, Batteries, and You: Reminders About High-Capacity Battery Safety

Every device used to read this article contains a battery. Batteries are essential to our lives. They help us connect with friends and even make video calls during power outages. As devices have become more powerful, the batteries inside have become denser, with higher outputs and quicker charge times. This growth has resulted in less expensive batteries capable of powering even high-performance sports cars. But there is a human cost to these batteries’ increased power and capacity because the energy stored inside a battery can be hazardous—and sometimes fatal. News reports about the dangers of batteries are nothing new but are becoming increasingly common. While we must follow certain limitations when using batteries, such as during air travel, when mailing items, and throwing them away, there are many hidden dangers. Just in January, a multi-family home was burned down in Brockton, NY, after a lithium-ion battery caught fire as a […]
January 11, 2023

DISCHARGE UPGRADES: A Path to Honor and Earned Benefits

Other than an Honorable Discharge According to the most recent U.S. Census statistics, approximately 16.5 million veterans live in the United States. When service members leave the armed forces, they receive a formal discharge of duties and a D.D. Form 214 that spells out the character of their service. Statistics regarding this process vary widely from year to year based on a variety of factors, including the active or peacetime climate of the Department of Defense at the time.   500,000 veterans are currently living with an “other than honorable discharge.”, according to The Department of Veteran Affairs (V.A.). Current statistics found that 16% of veterans discharged from service received a discharge characterization that did not meet the honorable threshold. Approximately 1% of discharges result in the most severe form of separation, a punitive discharge, labeled as a “Dishonorable” or “Bad Conduct” discharge.  Why “Bad Paper Matters” Bad Paper is […]