February 6, 2018

How to Value Your Car When Insurance Declares It Totaled

While many collisions between vehicles involve minimal or fairly easily repaired damage, sometimes the damage to the car will be so extensive that your insurance company will declare the car totaled. Your vehicle will be determined to be a “total loss” following a collision, single-car accident, or other damaging event either if it is unrepairable, or if the cost of repairs would exceed a certain percentage of the value of the car.  If that’s the case, your insurance company will prepare a claim settlement, payable to the owner of the vehicle, that is meant to reflect the value of the car at the time of the collision. If the value of the settlement is significantly lower than the actual value of your car, you do not have to accept the settlement. If you can prove a discrepancy between your car’s true value and the claim settlement offered by your insurance company, you […]
January 10, 2018

Uber’s Workers’ Compensation Pilot Program and What It Means For South Carolina

The shift to highly-automated workplaces and overall wage stagnation has been leading more and more individuals to choose freelance work as a primary or secondary job. Since Uber and related companies classify their drivers as “independent contractors” and not traditional employees, they offer a measure of freedom (drivers choose their own hours and have some control over how much income they bring in), but also some very big risks. The biggest risk to South Carolina Uber drivers?   Jobs that involve driving professionally also involve a heightened potential for vehicle collisions that could cause injuries, automobile damage, or worse and as independent contractors, Uber drivers may not be covered by state workers’ compensation laws. 
December 29, 2017

What Should You Do If Your Dog Bites Someone?

Even a dog that has never shown signs of aggression can end up in a situation where they bite a human being. If you are the owner of that dog, you may find yourself dealing with insurance claims, medical bills, and even potentially litigation as a result of your dog’s actions. What should you do if your dog bites someone? We have a few ideas for how to defuse the situation and what to do next.
December 14, 2017

Steps To Take When You’re Waiting on Your Social Security Disability Claim

Waiting on your Social Security Disability claim can seem endless. The average wait time nationally is two years. Those who applied for SS Disability after becoming disabled through illness or injury are left feeling like they’re underwater, with a lifeguard telling them to just wait two years for help to arrive. There are a few steps you can take that may speed up the process (or at least make things a little less difficult) while waiting on the outcome of your Social Security Disability claim. Let’s take a look:
November 29, 2017

What’s the Fastest-Growing Group of Military Veterans Today?

When considering what segment of military veterans is growing the fastest in the United States today, who comes to mind? If you thought of women, you would be correct. As of today, women make up almost 10% of the military, with the number expected to double by 2040. While women serving in the military isn’t anything new, it took until after World War II for their contributions to be formally recognized. Even after recognition, women have continued to have to fight to access the same standard of healthcare from the VA as their male counterparts, especially when it comes to VA Disability claims for service-connected conditions. Let’s take a closer look at injured military women and their fight to receive the standard of care from the VA that they are entitled to.
November 15, 2017

Have You Heard of VA Disability Claims for Agent Blue?

We’ve spoken before about Agent Orange, one of a collection of so-called “rainbow herbicides” sprayed during the conflict in Vietnam as part of the defoliation efforts used by the American military. Agent Orange contamination left thousands of veterans exposed to dangerous chemicals that, over time, have been correlated with a spate of chronic illnesses and even cancers. While many Vietnam-era veterans are aware of their ability to file for VA Disability as a result of Agent Orange contamination, fewer are aware of another common herbicide utilized during Vietnam: Agent Blue. You may be able to file VA Disability claims for Agent Blue if you were exposed during your time in service. Let’s take a closer look at what Agent Blue is and what kinds of health effects come as a result of exposure.
November 3, 2017

What Should You Do If You Witness a Car Accident?

There is a vehicle collision in South Carolina every five minutes or so, with injuries occurring about once every ten minutes and a collision fatality occurring about twice a day, according to the SC Department of Public Safety. Do you know what to do if you witness a car wreck in South Carolina? We have a few tips to help you know how to stay safe, assist the people involved, and if needed, provide evidence for the victim’s eventual car insurance claim against the at-fault party. These suggestions do not reflect any letter of the law but are rather meant to act as helpful suggestions. Every car wreck is different, so no guidelines can really be one-size-fits-all. If you have questions that pertain to a specific incident, please feel free to give us a call at (803) 779-7599 or contact us online to request a free consultation. What should you […]