December 29, 2020

Traumatic Brain Injury: Get the Facts

While traumatic brain injuries may make the national news headlines when it involves beloved NFL players, what’s often lost in these news articles is the reality that traumatic brain injuries are shockingly common and have many different causes. These injuries can leave the injured and their loved ones wondering what they can do if they’ve suffered a traumatic brain injury in their own lives. Today, we’re going to take a few minutes to walk you through TBI, its possible effects, and steps you may be able to take to help your injured family member or loved one in their fight to protect their rights.
December 16, 2020

Can Mediation Help You Avoid Going to Trial?

In one of our previous posts, “What does litigation mean?“, we briefly mentioned mediation as one of the steps you may utilize prior to a trial. Can mediation help you avoid going to trial entirely? The short answer is maybe. We’ll start by taking a look at the basics and process involved in mediation.
December 15, 2020

Agent Orange: Know the Facts

At Bluestein Attorneys, we’ve worked with military servicemembers of all stripes — those just back from a new deployment, vets who served during the first Gulf War, Korean war veterans, Vietnam veterans… the list goes on. While many Vietnam veterans have heard about the herbicide Agent Orange and its use during their time serving overseas, did you know Korean war vets may also have been exposed? The long-term effects of Agent Orange have only recently been acknowledged and truly understood, and it’s important for military veterans who are dealing with hard-to-pinpoint physical issues to know whether or not they may have been exposed during their time in service.
October 26, 2020

Toxic Firefighting Foam & the U.S. Military: What We Know

If you, or someone you love, has developed cancer after being exposed to toxic firefighting foam, please call us right away.     In the 1960s, researchers for the U.S. Navy began testing a new form of firefighting foam that would extinguish flames quite rapidly. Just a decade later, in the 1970s, this type of foam was being used widely, across most military bases in the United States, as well as at a slew of airports, fire departments, and oil refineries. This foam, commonly known as Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) was designed to put out burning jet fuel.
June 11, 2020

Boater Safety in South Carolina

Summertime is a boater’s favorite season. With all of the good times that come with spending summer days on a boat, however, there is also a fair amount of potential risk that comes with the territory. Whether you own a boat or you know someone who does, simply being on board makes you responsible for knowing and following proper safety precautions. Too many injuries happen on South Carolina’s lakes and beaches every year. Don’t let your boating story be one of them.
April 30, 2020

Radiation Exposure During Military Service

Whether you suspect you may have been exposed to radiation during your time serving in the United States military, or you know for sure you were subject to at least some radiation exposure, it can be hard to know where to begin when it comes to filing for disability benefits. We’ve put together some basic information to help you when it comes to filing your claim.
April 13, 2020

My Social Security Disability Application Was Approved. Do I Need to Do Anything Else?

If your household has been scrambling to make ends meet after an illness or injury puts you, or a loved one out of work, having your SSDI application approved can feel like a real victory. While a Social Security Disability approval can help you bridge the gap between treatment for your disability and when you can return to work, there are some obligations that you will have to the Social Security Administration that you’ll need to keep in mind. Some problems can occur even after your disability application was approved, and taking just a couple of steps can help you to avoid them.